New clause ACCESSIBLE BY in Oracle 12C enables to extend standard security. It defines list of database objects (later called accessors) that can call your PL/SQL code.
Clause ACCESSIBLE BY can be defined for following statements:
List of accessors that can call your code includes database objects like:
Let’s first create PL/SQL objects with ACCESSIBLE BY clause then try to use them. You can notice that they will compile without problem even if database objects defined in ACCESSIBLE BY don’t exist.
PROCEDURE private_prc can be called only by following accessors:
- PROCEDURE public_prc
- TRIGGER public_trg
create or replace procedure private_prc ACCESSIBLE BY (PROCEDURE public_prc, TRIGGER public_trg) is begin dbms_output.put_line('Private procedure started'); end; / PROCEDURE PRIVATE_PRC compiled
if you try to call it directly exception is raised
exec private_prc PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object PRIVATE_PRC
you need to define PROCEDURE public_prc or TRIGGER public_trg to call it
create or replace procedure public_prc is begin private_prc; end; / PROCEDURE PUBLIC_PRC compiled set serveroutput on exec public_prc anonymous block completed Private procedure started
create table test_tbl ( id number; ); table TEST_TBL created. create or replace trigger public_trg before insert on test_tbl begin public_prc; end; / TRIGGER PUBLIC_TRG compiled set serveroutput on insert into test_tbl values(10); 1 rows inserted. Private procedure started
FUNCTION private_prc can be called only by following accessors:
- FUNCTION public_prc
create or replace function private_fnc return number ACCESSIBLE BY (FUNCTION public_fnc) is begin return 0; end; / FUNCTION PRIVATE_FNC compiled
if you try to call it directly exception is raised
select private_fnc from dual; PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object PRIVATE_FNC
you need to define FUNCTION public_fnc to call it
create or replace function public_fnc return number is begin return private_fnc; end; / FUNCTION PUBLIC_FNC compiled select public_fnc from dual; PUBLIC_FNC ---------- 0
PACKAGE private_pkg can be called only by following accessors:
- PACKAGE public_pkg
- TYPE public_t
create or replace package private_pkg ACCESSIBLE BY (PACKAGE public_pkg, TYPE public_t) is g_name varchar2(30) := 'private package'; end; / PACKAGE PRIVATE_PKG compiled
if you try to call it directly exception is raised
begin dbms_output.put_line(private_pkg.g_name); end; / PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object PRIVATE_PKG
you need to define PACKAGE public_pkg ot TYPE public_t to call it
create or replace package public_pkg is g_name varchar2(30) := private_pkg.g_name; end; / PACKAGE PUBLIC_PKG compiled set serveroutput on begin dbms_output.put_line(public_pkg.g_name); end; / anonymous block completed private package
TYPE private_t can be called only by following accessors:
- TYPE public_t
create or replace type private_t ACCESSIBLE BY (TYPE public_t) as object ( v_name varchar2(30) ) / TYPE PRIVATE_T compiled
if you try to call it directly exception is raised
declare v_id private_t; begin null; end; / PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object PRIVATE_T
you need to define TYPE public_t to call it
create or replace type public_t as object ( v_name private_t ) / TYPE PUBLIC_T compiled declare v_id public_t; begin null; end; / anonymous block completed
Of course ACCESSIBLE BY can specify which objects can call our object from other schema as well by adding schema_name
In following example PROCEDURE private_other_user_prc can be called only from schema OTHER_USER by PROCEDURE public_other_user_prc.
Of course you need to remember to grant excute on the procedure to user OTHER_USER as well.
create or replace procedure private_other_user_prc ACCESSIBLE BY (PROCEDURE other_user.public_other_user_prc) is begin dbms_output.put_line(user); end; / PROCEDURE PRIVATE_OTHER_USER_PRC compiled
Have a fun 🙂