Code Based Access Control for Definer’s Rights and Invoker’s Rights Oracle Database 12C release 2 (12.2)

In Oracle 12C it’s possible to assign a role to a code procedure/function/package


This kind of grant can be executed only by following user:

  • SYS
  • user with GRANT ANY ROLE privilege
  • user who own code and was granted the role with ADMIN OPTION
  • user who own code and was granted the role with DELEGATE OPTION

Top three options are commonly know. New option is DELEGATE OPTION. It enables to grant a role to procedure|function|package and nothing more.

Once the role is granted to a code the role is always enabled no matter if the code is created with PRAGMA AUTHID_USER or PRAGMA DEFINER and no matter if owner of the code calls it or other user.

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Enhanced Partitioning Oracle Database 12C release 2 (12.2)

This article describes new options available in Oracle Database Release 12.2 for partitioning:

  • extensions for list partitioning
    • automatic list partitioned table
    • multi-column list partitioned table
  • read-only partitions and subpartitions
  • filtering maintenance operations
  • creating a table for exchange with a partitioned table
  • online converting non-partitioned table to a partitioned table
  • online split partition and subpartition

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Install Oracle 12C Release 2 (12.2) on Fedora 25

This article presents installation of Oracle database 12C(12.2) on Fedora 25. Read following article to install Fedora 25 Linux: Install Fedora 25(for comfort set 4G memory for your virtual machine).


Software for 12CR2 is available on OTN or edelivery

Database software

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Install Oracle 12C Release 2 (12.2) on Oracle Linux 7 (OEL7)

This article presents how to install Oracle 12C(12.2) Release 2 on Oracle Enterprise Linux 7 (OEL7).

Read following article how to install Oracle Enterprise Linux 7: Install Oracle Linux 7 (OEL7) (for comfort set 4G memory for your virtual machine before proceeding with Oracle software installation).


Software for 12CR2 is available on OTN or edelivery

Database software

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Enhanced LISTAGG Oracle Database 12C release 2 (12.2)

In previous releases there was always problem with function LISTAGG. If list of concatenated expression exceeds maximum length supported by VARCHAR2 type, then ORA-01489 is raised.

In new version Oracle Database Release 12.2 addressed this issue by adding extra clause ON OVERFLOW TRUNCATE to hide this error. In my opinion it’s not full solution but in some cases can be useful.

LISTAGG ( [ALL] <measure_column> [,<delimiter>] 
WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY <oby_expression_list>)

I recommend to read following article as well:

String concatenation aggregation methods

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