This article focus on ORA_HASH function in Oracle. This function computes a hash value for a given expression.
SELECT ORA_HASH('test') oh, ORA_HASH('test1') oh1 FROM dual; OH OH1 ---------- ---------- 2662839991 1531096017
Unfortunately for CLOB expression it computes hash value randomly. Each iteration can give different result
SELECT ORA_HASH('test') oh, ORA_HASH(to_clob('test')) ohc, ORA_HASH('test1') oh1, ORA_HASH(to_clob('test1')) ohc1 FROM dual; OH OHC OH1 OHC1 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2662839991 3191322237 1531096017 2109387560 SELECT ORA_HASH('test') oh, ORA_HASH(to_clob('test')) ohc, ORA_HASH('test1') oh1, ORA_HASH(to_clob('test1')) ohc1 FROM dual; OH OHC OH1 OHC1 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2662839991 1732521620 1531096017 2558490382
ORA_HASH can only work with 4k characters or CLOB but for CLOB as proved previously returns different values per SQL run.
--fails for VARCHAR2 > 4k set serveroutput on DECLARE l_varchar2_32k VARCHAR2(32767) := LPAD(' ', 32767, ' '); l_ora_hash NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT ORA_HASH(l_varchar2_32k) INTO l_ora_hash FROM dual; dbms_output.put_line(l_ora_hash); END; / ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
In PL/SQL all calls for the same expression returns the same value but for another PL/SQL call they are different
set serveroutput on DECLARE l_clob CLOB := LPAD(' ', 32767, ' '); l_clob1 CLOB := LPAD(' ', 32767, ' '); l_ora_hash NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT ORA_HASH(l_clob) INTO l_ora_hash FROM dual; dbms_output.put_line(l_ora_hash); SELECT ORA_HASH(l_clob1) INTO l_ora_hash FROM dual; dbms_output.put_line(l_ora_hash); END; / 2768182392 2768182392 set serveroutput on DECLARE l_clob CLOB := LPAD(' ', 32767, ' '); l_clob1 CLOB := LPAD(' ', 32767, ' '); l_ora_hash NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT ORA_HASH(l_clob) INTO l_ora_hash FROM dual; dbms_output.put_line(l_ora_hash); SELECT ORA_HASH(l_clob1) INTO l_ora_hash FROM dual; dbms_output.put_line(l_ora_hash); END; / 52202303 52202303
Solution is to write own PL/SQL function that can work with CLOB and can calculate hash value using original ORA_HASH function. Idea is simple chunk CLOB on many 4k parts calculate ORA_HASH for each part and concatenate it as CLOB.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ora_hash_clob ( p_clob IN CLOB ) RETURN CLOB IS TYPE t_ora_hash_tab IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY binary_integer; l_ora_hash_tab t_ora_hash_tab; l_line VARCHAR2(4000); l_ora_hash_key NUMBER; l_ora_hash_clob_key CLOB; BEGIN FOR i in 1 .. ceil(length(p_clob)/4000) LOOP l_line := to_char(substr(p_clob, (i-1)*4000+1,4000)); SELECT ora_hash(l_line) INTO l_ora_hash_key FROM dual; l_ora_hash_tab(i) := l_ora_hash_key; END LOOP; FOR i IN 1..l_ora_hash_tab.count LOOP l_ora_hash_clob_key := l_ora_hash_clob_key || to_clob(l_ora_hash_tab(i)); END LOOP; RETURN l_ora_hash_clob_key; END;
Now it returns the same hash value for CLOB and VARCHAR for small expressions <= 4k. Second columns for each iteration returns different value.
SELECT ORA_HASH_CLOB(to_clob('small string')) my_ohc, ORA_HASH(to_clob('small string')) ohc, ORA_HASH('small string') oh FROM dual; MY_OHC OHC OH ---------- ---------- ---------- 1163999085 2204313295 1163999085
Additionally it works with expressions bigger than 4k and returns always the same hash value
SELECT ORA_HASH_CLOB(to_clob(lpad(' ', 4000, ' '))||to_clob(' ')) my_ohc FROM dual; MY_OHC ----------------------- 23879004511715534958 SELECT ORA_HASH_CLOB(to_clob(lpad(' ', 4000, ' '))||to_clob(' ')) my_ohc FROM dual; MY_OHC ----------------------- 23879004511715534958
Nice alternative for ORA_HASH is DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH. It works nicely with CLOB values.
Each iteration returns the same value
SELECT dbms_crypto.HASH(to_clob('test'),1) ohc, dbms_crypto.HASH(to_clob('test1'),1) ohc1 FROM dual; OHC OHC1 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- DB346D691D7ACC4DC2625DB19F9E3F52 F79E002AC163078C673FA2C321E5E66F SELECT dbms_crypto.HASH(to_clob('test'),1) ohc, dbms_crypto.HASH(to_clob('test1'),1) ohc1 FROM dual; OHC OHC1 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- DB346D691D7ACC4DC2625DB19F9E3F52 F79E002AC163078C673FA2C321E5E66F
Works with big CLOB and returns unique value
SELECT dbms_crypto.hash(to_clob(lpad(' ', 4000, ' ')) ||to_clob(' '), 1) my_ohc FROM dual; MY_OHC -------------------------------- FA865287791B369C89AFDAFE25942E69 SELECT dbms_crypto.hash(to_clob(lpad(' ', 4000, ' ')) ||to_clob(' '), 1) my_ohc FROM dual; MY_OHC -------------------------------- FA865287791B369C89AFDAFE25942E69
Have a fun 🙂
Nice trick Tomek!
The code doesn’t compile as given. l_ora_hash_final_key is never declared. It returns close to what is described numerically when that variable is changed to l_ora_hash_clob_key. However this is a CLOB and not the NUMBER desired.
l_ora_hash_clob_key as well as the return type needs to be number and then all is well. Despite the errors this is a decent fix to a problematic issue.
Fixed small typo
dbms_crypto.HASH saved my day, thanks!!
My advices:
Add DETERMINISTIC qualifier to any hash key calculation function.
Add PRAGMA UDF; too.
You could replace the first loop by a single hierarchical SQL query for far better performances.
You could also only have one loop, so you won’t need any collection to save the memory used.
You should never concatenate two CLOB using || to avoid creation/deletion of temporary CLOB. Use DBMS_LOB.APPEND instead.
One big advantage of ORA_HASH is that it returns an integer. Why did you decide to return a CLOB? To change this you could take advantage of the third argument of ORA_HASH that will combine already calculated hash value with the next 4k chunk.
You can also talk about the faster STANDARD_HASH() function.
Could you maybe provide the full function that includes all your improvments?
Hi Tomasz,
I was redirected to your page from my question
Admins have hidden DBMS_CRYPTO to any role, and I wonder what would be the reason.
Best regards
Jakub P.
As my DB admin had not given me permission to use the dbms_crpyto package I tried your ORA_HASH_CLOB solution. But I encounter two issues.
1. If the CLOB contains special symbols as then the substring was longer than VARCHAR(4000 Byte).
-> Changing l_line to NVARCHAR2(4000) fixed that issue.
2. In my Oracle version the functions for substr and length had issue with the CLOBs as well so I changed them to use the dbms_lob package functions.
create or replace FUNCTION ora_hash_clob
p_clob IN CLOB
TYPE t_ora_hash_tab IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY binary_integer;
l_ora_hash_tab t_ora_hash_tab;
l_line NVARCHAR2(4000);
l_ora_hash_key NUMBER;
l_ora_hash_clob_key CLOB;
FOR i in 1 .. ceil(dbms_lob.getlength(p_clob)/4000)
l_line := to_char(dbms_lob.substr(p_clob, 4000, (i-1)*4000+1));
SELECT ora_hash(l_line)
INTO l_ora_hash_key
FROM dual;
l_ora_hash_tab(i) := l_ora_hash_key;
FOR i IN 1..l_ora_hash_tab.count
l_ora_hash_clob_key := l_ora_hash_clob_key ||
RETURN l_ora_hash_clob_key;