This short article presents how to solve ORA-22828 error.
ORA-22828 happens when you try to replace part of a CLOB with a CLOB bigger than 32K using standard functions like REPLACE, REGEXP_REPLACE.
Following call of REPLACE function works fine when part of CLOB is replaced with CLOB 32K
DECLARE l_clob_in CLOB := 'simple sentence'; l_clob_32k CLOB := rpad('x', 32767, 'x'); l_clob_out CLOB; BEGIN l_clob_out := REPLACE(l_clob_in, 'sentence', l_clob_32k); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
but for CLOB bigger than 32K is raises error ORA-22828
DECLARE l_clob_in CLOB := 'simple sentence'; l_clob_32k CLOB := rpad('x', 32767, 'x'); l_clob_32k1 CLOB := l_clob_32k || 'x'; l_clob_out CLOB; BEGIN l_clob_out := REPLACE(l_clob_in, 'sentence', l_clob_32k1); END; / ORA-22828: input pattern or replacement parameters exceed 32K size limit
Solution is to write own replace function that works with CLOB bigger than 32K
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION replace_clob ( in_source IN CLOB, in_search IN VARCHAR2, in_replace IN CLOB ) RETURN CLOB IS l_pos pls_integer; BEGIN l_pos := instr(in_source, in_search); IF l_pos > 0 THEN RETURN substr(in_source, 1, l_pos-1) || in_replace || substr(in_source, l_pos+LENGTH(in_search)); END IF; RETURN in_source; END replace_clob; / DECLARE l_clob_in CLOB := 'simple sentence'; l_clob_32k CLOB := rpad('x', 32767, 'x'); l_clob_32k1 CLOB := l_clob_32k || 'x'; l_clob_out CLOB; BEGIN l_clob_out := replace_clob(l_clob_in, 'sentence', l_clob_32k1); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Have a fun 🙂
I wonder.
Would it also work if you will LPAD the search string, so the instr would need to go beyond 32k to find something?
Oh it does work, except that it’s a replace_first function, not replace_all, as the regular Oracle REPLACE function.
Nice solution. Thanks!