If you need to analyze query which is based on complex view it can take a lot of time to do it.
New procedure EXPAND_SQL_TEXT of package DBMS_UTILITY helps to recursively replace any view references in the input SQL query with the corresponding view subquery.
Test data
create table test_tbl (id number, id1 number); create view test_v1 as select * from test_tbl; create view test_v2 as select * from test_v1; create view test_v3 as select id+id1 ok from test_v2;
What if you need to analyze following query
select * from test_v3
With new procedure it’s piece of cake
set serveroutput on declare v_in_view clob := 'select * from TEST_V3'; v_out_view clob; begin dbms_utility.expand_sql_text(v_in_view, v_out_view); dbms_output.put_line(v_out_view); end; / anonymous block completed SELECT "A1"."OK" "OK" FROM (SELECT "A2"."ID"+"A2"."ID1" "OK" FROM (SELECT "A3"."ID" "ID","A3"."ID1" "ID1" FROM (SELECT "A4"."ID" "ID","A4"."ID1" "ID1" FROM TOMASZ."TEST_TBL" "A4") "A3") "A2") "A1"
be smart do it with new feature WITH FUNCTION directly in sql
with function get_data(p_in_view clob) return clob is v_out_view clob; begin dbms_utility.expand_sql_text(p_in_view, v_out_view); return v_out_view; end; select get_data('select * from TEST_V3') from dual / GET_DATA('SELECT*FROMTEST_V3') ---------------------------------------------- SELECT "A1"."OK" "OK" FROM (SELECT "A2"."ID"+ ...
Have a fun 🙂
“relase 1 (12.1)”
“release 1 (12.1)”
Fix applied 🙂 Thx