Data Redaction: Overview
This new feature enables to easily prevent the display of sensitive data to end-users by performing redaction in each application. It’s very simple to implement and very efficient. Data are modified on the-fly right before results are returned to applications.
- on-the-fly redaction based on username, ip address, application context and other factors
- transparent, consistent enforcement in the database
- no measurable impact on production workloads
- appropriate for call centers, decision support systems, and systems with PII, PHI,and PCI data
Data redaction is automatically turned off for following operations:
- backup and restore
- import and export
- patching and upgrades
- replication
- sys connections are always exempt from redaction policies
What is redaction policy
Redaction policy specifies:
- what to redact: specified by schema, object(table or view), and column
- how to redact: specify a redaction method for the column and required parameters for that method
- when to redact: specified by a SQL expression that is evaluated for all columns in the table or view and depends on values from:
- SYS_CONTEXT() for the database environment and context passed by applications
- XS_SYS_CONTEXT() for Oracle Real Application Security
- V() and NV() for Oracle Application Express
- dominates() for Oracle Label Security
NOTE – only one how to redact can be specified when you create the policy
Test data
First create a user to test the feature
GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE, UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO redact_user IDENTIFIED BY redact_user; --special dictionary redact views GRANT SELECT ON sys.redaction_policies TO redact_user; GRANT SELECT ON sys.redaction_columns TO redact_user; GRANT SELECT ON sys.redaction_values_for_type_full TO redact_user; --dedicated redact package GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_redact TO redact_user;
then create test table with test data
CONNECT redact_user/redact_user CREATE TABLE test_tbl ( varchar2_id VARCHAR2(20), number_id NUMBER, date_id DATE, clob_id CLOB ); INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES ( 'test varchar2', 102, to_date('01.01.2014', 'DD.MM.YYYY'), 'test clob' ); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID -------------------- ---------- -------- ---------- test varchar2 102 14/01/01 test clob
Redaction methods
Following redaction methods will be presented
- NONE – redaction is turned off. Well i’s standard :). Nothing to present.
10/11/2013 -> 10/11/2013 Some string -> Some string 33121333 -> 33121333
- FULL – columns are redacted to constant values based on the column data type
10/11/2013 -> 01/01/2011 Some string -> xxxxxxxxx 33121333 -> 23232323
- PARTIAL – user specified positions are replaced by a user specified character
516-17-7667 -> ***-**-7667 D1L2323L8K -> D1******8K
- RANDOM – data type is preserved and different values are output each time
1311-3456-2398-0000 -> 3876-2871-4617-0284 17/08/2014 -> 09/01/1987
- REGULAR EXPRESSIONS – a “match and replace” is performed based on parameters
5512-2468 -> 5512-[hidden] -> [redacted]
Managing Redaction Policies
- You can use package DBMS_REDACT to manage redact policies
- ADD_POLICY – add a redaction policy
- DROP_POLICY – drop a redaction policy
- ALTER_POLICY – change a redaction policy
- ENABLE_POLICY – enable a redaction policy after it is disabled
- DISABLE_POLICY – disable a redaction policy
- EXECUTE privileges is required to execute the procedures
- Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12C supports Oracle Data Redaction
Defining a Redaction Policy
To define redaction policy you need to use procedure DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY
- cannot redact SYS, nor SYSTEM schema objects
- cannot redact VIRTUAL columns
- cannot redact columns of specific data types
- you can apply VPD policies on other columns then those redacted
FULL Redaction
For this type redaction columns are redacted to constant values based on the column data type. Constant values are visible in view REDACTION_VALUES_FOR_TYPE_FULL for FULL redaction.
SELECT number_value, binary_float_value, binary_double_value, char_value, varchar_value, nchar_value, nvarchar_value, date_value, timestamp_value, timestamp_with_time_zone_value, blob_value, clob_value, nclob_value FROM redaction_values_for_type_full; NUMBER_VALUE BINARY_FLOAT_VALUE BINARY_DOUBLE_VALUE CHAR_VALUE ------------ ------------------ ------------------- ---------- 0 0,0 0,0 VARCHAR_VALUE NCHAR_VALUE NVARCHAR_VALUE DATE_VALUE ------------- ----------- -------------- ---------- 01/01/01 TIMESTAMP_VALUE TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE_VALUE --------------------------- ---------------------------------- 01/01/01 01:00:00,000000000 01/01/01 01:00:00,000000000 +00:00 BLOB_VALUE CLOB_VALUE NCLOB_VALUE ------------ ------------ -------------- (BLOB) [redacted] [redacted]
Add redaction on column VARCHAR2_ID
BEGIN dbms_redact.add_policy ( object_schema => 'REDACT_USER', policy_name => 'POLICY_NAME', object_name => 'TEST_TBL', column_name => 'VARCHAR2_ID', expression => 'sys_context(''USERENV'', ''SESSION_USER'')=''REDACT_USER''', function_type => dbms_redact.full ); END; /
as you can notice now VARCHAR2_ID shows nothing
SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID -------------------- ---------- -------- ---------- 102 14/01/01 test clob UPDATE test_tbl SET varchar2_id='new data'; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID -------------------- ---------- -------- ---------- 102 14/01/01 test clob
Following views shows all details about defined redaction policies
- REDACTION_POLICIES – keeps information about defined redact policies
- REDACTION_COLUMNS – keeps detail information about affected columns by defined redact policies
SELECT object_name, policy_name, expression FROM REDACTION_POLICIES; OBJECT_NAME POLICY_NAME ----------- ----------- TEST_TBL POLICY_NAME EXPRESSION ---------------------------------------------------- sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER')='REDACT_USER'
SELECT object_name, column_name, function_type FROM REDACTION_COLUMNS; OBJECT_NAME COLUMN_NAME FUNCTION_TYPE ----------- ----------- -------------- TEST_TBL VARCHAR2_ID FULL REDACTION
Change default value for FULL redaction
With DBMS_REDACT.UPDATE_FULL_REDACTION_VALUES you can change default value for FULL redaction with procedure . You need to do it as sysdba.
!!! NOTE !!!- requires database restart to see it. !!! NOTE !!!
BEGIN dbms_redact.update_full_redaction_values(varchar_val => '*'); dbms_redact.update_full_redaction_values(number_val => -999); dbms_redact.update_full_redaction_values(clob_val => 'clob_-999'); END; / shutdown immediate; startup; SELECT varchar_value, number_value, clob_value FROM redaction_values_for_type_full; VARCHAR_VALUE NUMBER_VALUE CLOB_VALUE ------------- ------------ ----------- * -999 clob_-999
So once database is restarted it should like this
SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID ------------ ---------- -------- ------------ * 102 14/01/01 test clob
Drop a Redaction Policy
To drop redaction policy you need to use procedure DBMS_REDACT.DROP_POLICY. NOTE – There can be only one police created for an object.
BEGIN DBMS_REDACT.DROP_POLICY ( object_schema => 'REDACT_USER', object_name => 'TEST_TBL', policy_name => 'POLICY_NAME' ); END; /
PARTIAL Redaction
For this type of redaction user specified positions are replaced by a user specified character.
Example for VARCHAR column
SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID -------------------- ---------- -------- --------- new data 102 14/01/01 test clob BEGIN DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY ( object_schema => 'REDACT_USER', object_name => 'TEST_TBL', policy_name => 'POLICY_NAME', column_name => 'VARCHAR2_ID', function_type => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL, function_parameters => 'VVVFVVFVVVV,VVV-VV-VVVV,*,1,5', expression => '1=1', enable => TRUE ); END; / SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID -------------------- ---------- -------- --------- ***-**-a 102 14/01/01 test clob
Example for number
Procedure DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY can be used to modify current policy
UPDATE test_tbl SET number_id=20142014; COMMIT; BEGIN DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY ( object_schema => 'REDACT_USER', object_name => 'TEST_TBL', policy_name => 'POLICY_NAME', action => DBMS_REDACT.ADD_COLUMN, column_name => 'NUMBER_ID', function_type => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL, function_parameters => '9,1,5' ); END; / SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID -------------------- ---------- -------- --------- ***-**-a 99999014 14/01/01 test clob
BEGIN DBMS_REDACT.DROP_POLICY ( object_schema => 'REDACT_USER', object_name => 'TEST_TBL', policy_name => 'POLICY_NAME' ); END; / SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID ------------ ---------- ------------------- ---------- new data 20142014 2014.01.01 00:00:00 test clob BEGIN DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY ( object_schema => 'REDACT_USER', object_name => 'TEST_TBL', policy_name => 'POLICY_NAME', column_name => 'VARCHAR2_ID', function_type => DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP, expression => '1=1', enable => TRUE, regexp_pattern => '(.+) (.+)', regexp_replace_string => '\2 \1', regexp_position => '1', regexp_occurrence => '0', regexp_match_parameter => 'i' ); END; / SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID ------------ ---------- ------------------- ---------- data new 20142014 2014.01.01 00:00:00 test clob
Check following article Regular Expressions 11G to get understanding about parameters regexp*
RANDOM Redaction
For this policy random values are assigned
BEGIN DBMS_REDACT.DROP_POLICY ( object_schema => 'REDACT_USER', object_name => 'TEST_TBL', policy_name => 'POLICY_NAME' ); END; / SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID ------------ ---------- ------------------- ---------- new data 20142014 2014.01.01 00:00:00 test clob BEGIN DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY ( object_schema => 'REDACT_USER', object_name => 'TEST_TBL', policy_name => 'POLICY_NAME', column_name => 'VARCHAR2_ID', function_type => DBMS_REDACT.RANDOM, expression => '1=1', ENABLE => TRUE ); END; / SELECT * FROM test_tbl; VARCHAR2_ID NUMBER_ID DATE_ID CLOB_ID ------------ ---------- ------------------- ----------- E}U3cWq" 20142014 2014.01.01 00:00:00 test clob
Exempting Users from redaction policy
Howto exempt users:
- conditions in policy expression can exclude users
- SYS user is exempt from all redaction policies
- grant EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY system privilege to exempt other users from all redaction policies
- DBA role exempt users because EXP_FULL_DATABASE role has got system privilege EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY
- special system privilege EXEMPT DDL REDACTION POLICY to execute DDL to exempt policies
as user redact_user you can notice redacted objects will raise exception for DDL commands
CREATE TABLE test_tbl1 AS SELECT * FROM test_tbl; ORA-28081: Insufficient privileges - the command references a redacted object.
Have a fun 🙂
If we want to export the POLICY meta data from PROD and wanted to apply it in NON-PROD, what would be steps ?
Thanks in ADVANCE
I am trying to redact a variable length column. the requirement is to redact all the character except first and last character. e.g. Jitu Kumar will look like J*******r after redaction.
Tried using REDACT_PARTIAL_MASKFROM & REDACT_PARTIAL_MASKTO but no avail. Not sure, how to use these parameters.
Can you please help me?
I am getting this error
SQL Error: ORA-28081: Insufficient privileges – the command references a redacted object.
when I am trying to create a table based on a redacted table as given below
CREATE TABLE test_tbl1
SELECT * FROM user1.XX_table;
XX_table has a redaction policy defined on it and is created by user1. test_tbl1 is created from user2
I have given the grant
– grant exempt DDL redaction policy to user2;
Still I am getting this error.
I am also facing the same issue
I am getting ORA-28094 when using redact on one of the column of a table and when querying view on that table. While redacting directly the column of a view without using on table it works fine.
Can we redact based on client IP address .
This is not working for me Please help. i want to redact only when it session is connected from IP address
object_schema => ‘QO_DEV’,
object_name => ‘CUSTOMERS_DATA’,
column_name => ‘EMAILADR’,
function_type => DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
expression => ‘SYS_CONTEXT(”USERENV”,”IP_ADDRESS”) = ””’