Article presents how to create simple report to monitor PGA in Oracle database using ASH or AWR as source.
PGA is dedicated memory structure in SGA stores stores following areas:
Cursors and private sql areas
- opened cursors, links to shared SQL areas in shared pool
- bind variable for cursors
- query execution state information
SQL work areas
- sort operations (order by, group-by, rollup, window function)
- hash-join
- bitmap merge
- bitmap create
SQL work areas can be very big and requires detail attention especially for database warehouses. Information about current and historical PGA usage can be found in views:
Following query returns PGA usage for AWR history DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY table. It expects three parameters:
- username – usernames that uses PGA
- n_days – defines how many n-days is reported since today
- per_mins – defines granularity of each snapshot in minutes. Smaller granularity more precise report – more records.
The same report can be used to generate data from GV$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY
WITH pga_data as ( SELECT /*+ MATERIALIZED */ sample_time, nvl(sum(ash.pga_allocated/1024/1024),0) AS sum_pga_mb FROM dba_hist_active_sess_history ash, dba_users u WHERE ash.user_id = u.user_id AND u.username LIKE :username AND sample_time > SYSDATE-:n_days AND sample_time < SYSDATE GROUP BY action, sample_time ), cal_data AS ( SELECT trunc(SYSDATE, 'MI') - (LEVEL/(24*60)*:per_mins) AS date_min, trunc(SYSDATE, 'MI') - ((LEVEL-1)/(24*60)*:per_mins) AS date_max FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL < (24*60*:n_days/:per_mins)+1 ORDER BY date_min ) SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE(h) NO_MERGE(c) */ to_char(c.date_min, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') date_min, trunc(nvl(avg(sum_pga_mb),0), 2) avg_pga_mb, trunc(nvl(min(sum_pga_mb),0), 2) min_pga_mb, trunc(nvl(max(sum_pga_mb),0), 2) max_pga_mb FROM pga_data h, cal_data c WHERE h.sample_time (+) >= c.date_min AND h.sample_time (+) < c.date_max GROUP BY c.date_min; DATE_MIN AVG_PGA_MB MIN_PGA_MB MAX_PGA_MB -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2016-01-28 05:54:00 12.36 4.77 27.54 2016-01-28 06:44:00 16.3 2.04 42.54 2016-01-28 09:04:00 850.21 3.79 4145.28 2016-01-28 09:14:00 56.52 39.77 91.52 2016-01-28 10:44:00 8.79 8.79 8.79 2016-01-28 16:34:00 0 0 0 2016-01-28 21:24:00 0 0 0 2016-01-28 22:14:00 2.79 2.79 2.79 2016-01-28 23:14:00 0 0 0 2016-01-28 23:24:00 0 0 0
I have created sql developer reports based on the query
Full code of report is in here:
pga per user
You can import this report to sqldeveloper “View”->”Reports”->”User defined reports” – click right mouse button you should see “Open Report” and select the report. It should import the report to your sqldeveloper.
Have a fun 🙂
This approach has a big gap:
imagine some session were active at just two points in time – T and T+10 – there would be samples in ASH – but doing nothing in between, so there would be no samples in ASH for T+1…T+9. That session still existed during all that time and were consuming PGA, but you don’t take this fact into account. Why?