NULL understanding in SQL and PL/SQL is fundamental knowledge required to be a good DBA and developer and to avoid surprises.
NULL – value that is unavailable, unassigned, unknown or inapplicable.
NULL is not the same as zero or a blank space.
Arithmetic operations and null
Always return NULL :). Easy and simple to remember.
select 12*null, 12/null, 12+null, 12-null, null/null, null/3 from dual; 12*NULL 12/NULL 12+NULL 12-NULL NULL/NULL NULL/3 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Boolean operations
Concatenation operator
NULL has got no impact on this operator
select 'hello tomasz'||null hello from dual; HELLO ------------ hello tomasz
Let’s prepare first some dummy data
create table test_tbl (id number); insert into test_tbl values(null); insert into test_tbl values(1); insert into test_tbl values(1); insert into test_tbl values(1); insert into test_tbl values(2); insert into test_tbl values(3); commit; select * from test_tbl; ID ---------- 1 1 1 2 3
DISTINCT is not ignoring nulls
select distinct id from test_tbl; ID ---------- 1 2 3
COUNT is ignoring nulls
select count(id) from test_tbl; COUNT(ID) ---------- 5 select count(distinct id) from test_tbl; COUNT(DISTINCTID) ----------------- 3
Comparison operators
To recognize NULL you need to use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL operators. In other case results can be surprising.
Wrong coding style in PL/SQL. In both cases somebody could expect TRUE.
set serveroutput on declare v_id number; begin v_id := null; if v_id = null then dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); else dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); end if; v_id := 10; if v_id != null then dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); else dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); end if; end; / anonymous block completed FALSE FALSE
The same code properly written
set serveroutput on declare v_id number; begin v_id := null; if v_id is null then dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); else dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); end if; v_id := 10; if v_id is not null then dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); else dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); end if; end; / anonymous block completed TRUE TRUE
the same is for SQL code
bad coding style
select * from test_tbl where id = null; no rows selected select * from test_tbl where id != null; no rows selected select * from test_tbl where id > null; no rows selected select * from test_tbl where id < null; no rows selected select * from test_tbl where id >= null; no rows selected select * from test_tbl where id <= null; no rows selected select * from test_tbl where id like null; no rows selected
proper coding style
select * from test_tbl where id is null; ID ---------- select * from test_tbl where id is not null; ID ---------- 1 1 1 2 3
Now more advanced examples that can make your heart beating much faster.
IN operator
Somebody can be surprised that null are excluded
select * from test_tbl where id in(1, null); ID ---------- 1 1 1
Above statement is in fact following
select * from test_tbl where id = 1 union all select * from test_tbl where id = null <- here is problem it returns FALSE
to include null it should be written like this
select * from test_tbl where id in(1) or id is null; ID ---------- 1 1 1
Usually the problem appears when a developer is using sub-queries.
Where are my NULLS !!! 🙂
select * from test_tbl where id in (select * from test_tbl); ID ---------- 1 1 1 2 3
NOT IN operator
Somebody can be surprised that no rows are selected
select * from test_tbl where id not in(1, null); no rows selected
Above statement is in fact following
select * from test_tbl where id !=1 and id != null; <- here is problem it returns always FALSE
to make it work it should be written like this
select * from test_tbl where id not in (1) and id is not null; ID ---------- 2 3
Usually the problem appears when a developer is using sub-queries.
One NULL from sub-query is blocking all !!! It’s very common problem.
select * from test_tbl where id not in (select 1 from dual union all select null from dual);
EXISTS operator
Some developer could expect all data but NULLS are gone
select * from test_tbl a where exists(select 1 from test_tbl b where; ID ---------- 1 1 1 2 3
all because NULL=NULL returns FALSE
NOT EXISTS operator
Some developer could expect no rows but rows are returned for NULLS
select * from test_tbl a where not exists(select 1 from test_tbl b where; ID ----------
because NOT NULL=NULL returns TRUE
BETWEEN operator
Rather rare case however instead of null you could have function which returned NULL value. So instead of range of rows you got nothing.
select * from test_tbl where id between null and 2; no rows selected select * from test_tbl where id between 2 and null; no rows selected
As default NULLs data are returned as last
select * from test_tbl order by id; ID ---------- 1 1 1 2 3 6 rows selected
you can change it
select * from test_tbl order by id nulls first; ID ---------- 1 1 1 2 3 6 rows selected
Have a fun 🙂