This installation was done using following software:
- Oracle Virtual Box – 64 bit
- Oracle Enterprise Linux 7 – 64 bit
- Oracle Database 12C Release 2( – 64 bit for Linux
- Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13C release 2( – 64 bit for Linux
- Oracle DB template for Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13C (this method is presented here)
OS and Oracle binaries installation
Following articles show simple method how to install Oracle binaries 12C on OEL6 or OEL7. You can skip creation of new database and create it later from template (it’s presented in the article).
WARNING – You need at least 10GB ram for virtual machine for OEM13CR2 installation and configuration and at least 64GB space or more for binaries and database.
- Install Oracle in silent mode 12C Release 1 (12.1) OEL7 (used in this article)
- Install Oracle in silent mode 12C Release 1 (12.1) OEL6
Install following packages as root
# OL6 and OL7 yum install make -y yum install binutils -y yum install gcc -y yum install libaio -y yum install glibc-common -y yum install libstdc++ -y yum install libXtst -y yum install sysstat -y yum install glibc -y yum install glibc-devel -y yum install glibc-devel*i686 -y
OEM Cloud Control 13C software
Binaries Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13C ( Copy them to /home/oracle.
Oracle database template for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13C ( Copy them to /home/oracle.
Database installation with DBCA and template
Unzip template to directory $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates
[oracle@oel7 ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates unzip /home/oracle/
Start the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) and create a new database using the template.
TIP: usually I logon to GNOME as root but installation must be started as user oracle. To do it run command xhost + as root(OEL6) or ssh … -X as root(OEL7)
[root@oel6 ~]# xhost +
[root@oel7 ~]# ssh -X
[oracle@oel7 ~]$ dbca
1. Use default option “Create Database” and click “Next” button
2. Select “Advanced Mode” and click “Next” button
3. Select appropriate template for your EM installation Small (my choice), Medium or Large then click “Next” button
4. Enter global database name and SID for your EM then click “Next” button
5. Both options “Configure Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Express” and “Register with Enterprise Manager (EM) Cloud Control” must be unchecked. Click “Next” button.
6. Enter separate password for user SYS, SYSTEM or define the same password for both accounts(presented here). Then click “Next” button.
7. Register new database in current LISTENER(presented here) or other option you can create new dedicated listener for the database. Click “Next” button.
8. Specify where to install new database. Then click “Next” button.
9. Specify if you want install extra sample schemas (it’s optional not required for EM). Click “Next” button.
10.On four tabes you can modify extra settings for new database. I have changed only character set page to AL32UTF8 rest are defaults. Click “Next” button.
11. Just click “Next” button.
12. On this page you can review new database before it will be created. Click “Finish” button to start installation.
13. Installation in progress ….
14. Database is created just click “Close” button.
Install Cloud Control software
Continue installation as user oracle
1. Create directories for Enterprise Manager and Agent
mkdir /ora01/app/oracle/em mkdir /ora01/app/oracle/em_agent
2. Start installation. It will take some time before first screen appears, be patient …
3. If you don’t want to get email after installation just uncheck “I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support” and click “Next” button.
4. Select “Skip” to avoid latest patch downloading and click “Next”.
5. Prerequisite checks are executed. I got two warnings for two cases but I ignored them
- “memory”- EM installation requires at least 10G but my virtual machine consumed some memory for graphic card so I got warning
- “ip_local_port_range” – my range is wider 9000 – 65500 so I ignored it
6. Select “Simple” installation method then click “Next” button.
7. Enter middleware, agent directory and click “Next” button.
8. Enter administrator password for EM and database credentials. Click “Next” button.
9. Uncheck “Configure a Shared Location for Oracle BI Publisher” then click “Next” button.
10. Summary screen. It’s last moment to modify settings before starting installation. Click “Install” button.
11. Installation in progress …
12. When prompted run script as root. Once done click “OK” button.
13. Final summary screen with URL addresses for Cloud Control 13C. It makes sense to save this screen for later use of URLs.
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control URL:
Admin Server URL:
BI Publisher URL:
14. As last step I add new entry to .bash_profile of user oracle for EM13C software and new aliases to quickly navigate between binaries of EM and database. Installation is complete.
export ORACLE_OMS=$ORACLE_BASE/em export ORACLE_OMS_AGENT=$ORACLE_BASE/em_agent alias cdo='cd $ORACLE_OMS' alias cdoa='cd $ORACLE_OMS_AGENT'
[oracle@oel7 ~]$ alias | grep ORACLE alias cdo='cd $ORACLE_OMS' alias cdoa='cd $ORACLE_OMS_AGENT' alias cdob='cd $ORACLE_BASE' alias cdoh='cd $ORACLE_HOME' alias envo='env | grep ORACLE' alias tns='cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin'
[oracle@oel7 ~]$ envo ORACLE_UNQNAME=emrepo ORACLE_SID=emrepo ORACLE_OMS=/ora01/app/oracle/em ORACLE_BASE=/ora01/app/oracle ORACLE_OMS_AGENT=/ora01/app/oracle/em_agent/agent_inst ORACLE_HOME=/ora01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1
15. Quick commands for EM13C – all as user oracle
--start all $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart $ORACLE_HOME $ORACLE_OMS/bin/emctl start oms $ORACLE_OMS_AGENT/bin/emctl start agent
# Stop everything $ORACLE_OMS/bin/emctl stop oms -all $ORACLE_OMS_AGENT/bin/emctl stop agent $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut $ORACLE_HOME
16. It’s time to logon to administration page as user SYSMAN. For first logon you need to specify “Accessibility Preference”, accept “License Agreement” and final select preferred look for home page. In my case “Databases”.
17. Initially no database nor listener are added. Click in menu Setup->Add Traget-> Add Target manually.
18. On new screen click “Add target Declaratively”. Finally select Host then database.
19. Specify required fields to connect to database. You can use “Test Connection” to validate connection. Tip – DBSNMP account must be unlocked(as default locked after installation). Then click “Next” and “Submit” and new target “database” will be added.
20. The same can be repeated to add LISTENER target type “Listener”
21. Now you should see database details 🙂
Have a fun 🙂
I am getting below error, even though i set the values
oracle soft nofile 65536
oracle hard nofile 65536
Checking for softnofiles=30000; softnofiles=4096. Failed <<<<