This article show simple coding standard that I use for coding. Simple rules clean code.
Author Archives: joda3008
Oracle Add filter to already opened cursor in PL/SQL
In this article I show simple trick how to add extra filter to already opened cursor in PL/SQL. Continue reading
Install Oracle Database 19C in silent mode on OEL8
This article presents how to install Oracle 19C on Oracle Enterprise Linux 8 (OEL8) in silent mode.
Install Oracle Linux 8 (OEL8)
This article presents how to install Oracle Enterprise Linux 8.
I assume you have already downloaded Oracle Enterprise Linux 8 64 bit(about 4 G) and you know how to use VirtualBox 64 bit(100M). Create virtual machine with default settings for Oracle Linux 64 bit. You can set 4GB for future Oracle database software installation and 64G for disk. Rest of options you can keep default.
Install Oracle Database 12C on Windows 7,8,10
This article presents how to quickly install Oracle Database 12C Release 2 ( on Windows.
Software used:
Binaries Database 12C Release 2( - database software
Oracle – generate INSERT statements for dynamic input query 2019
If you are working as developer/DBA probably you are quite often asked to migrate some rows from one database to another – usually people reference to the rows as “metadata” rows. Rows that driving your business !
If you need to prepare such rows for migrations there are a lot of methods to do it
just copy the rows using database link from one database to another
export/import the rows using tools like expdp/impdp
prepare manually scripts with INSERT statements
I would like to focus on the last method. It’s very popular to keep metadata in some files as number of INSERTs for backup/migrations/versioning etc.
LISTAGG DISTINCT Oracle Database 19C
In this release Oracle finally added possibility to use DISTINCT inside LISTAGG function. It helps to quickly remove duplicates.
Install Oracle Database 19C in silent mode on OEL7
This article presents how to install Oracle 19C on Oracle Enterprise Linux 7 (OEL7) in silent mode.
DBMS_SESSION.SLEEP Oracle Database 18C
In Oracle Database 18C very popular popular procedure DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP is also available in package DBMS_SESSION.
Continue readingOPTIMIZER_IGNORE_HINTS Oracle Database 18C
In 18C release optimizer parameter OPTIMIZER_IGNORE_HINTS(was underscore parameter) is now documented.
If set to TRUE the optimizer ignores embedded hints. Can be changed on system or session level.