This new extension in Oracle 12C closes security gap in previous release. When a user (INVOKER) calls a PL/SQL code with pragma AUTHID CURRENT_USER of other user then the code is executed with privileges of current user (INVOKER rights).
It’s very useful but can be dangerous if called code has got harm code. For example we can create simple function “get_me_dba_fnc” in schema SH with the pragma AUTHID CURRENT_USER and call it as user TOMASZ with high privileges like DBA and by mistake grant DBA role to SH without noticing it.
In Oracle 12C you can control inheritance of privileges by using following clauses
Create following code as user SH
sqlplus sh> create or replace function sh.get_me_dba_fnc return varchar2 authid current_user is pragma autonomous_transaction; begin execute immediate 'grant dba to sh'; return 'OK'; exception when others then return 'OK'; end; / grant execute on sh.get_me_dba_fnc to public;
Then I execute code of user SH using TOMASZ account. User TOMASZ is very powerful user with DBA role. The function sh.get_me_dba_fnc is executed with rights of user TOMASZ(the rights are inherited by the function) because of pragma AUTHID CURRENT_USER and the code silently grants role DBA to user SH.
sqlplus tomasz> show user USER is TOMASZ select * from session_roles where role='DBA'; ROLE ------ DBA select grantee, granted_role from dba_role_privs where grantee='SH'; GRANTEE GRANTED_ROLE ---------- ----------------------- SH SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE SH RESOURCE select sh.get_me_dba_fnc from dual; GET_ME_DBA_FNC --------------- OK select grantee, granted_role from dba_role_privs where grantee='SH'; GRANTEE GRANTED_ROLE ---------- ----------------------- SH SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE SH RESOURCE SH DBA
the block inheritance of privileges for a given user you can call following command REVOKE INHERIT PRIVILEGES
revoke inherit privileges on user <USER> from <OTHER_USER>;
for example we can block inheritance of privileges of user TOMASZ from all users
sqlplus tomasz> revoke inherit privileges on user TOMASZ from public;
so if we call again the function sh.get_me_dba_fnc we should see following error
sqlplus tomasz> select sh.get_me_dba_fnc from dual; ORA-06598: insufficient INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege
There is another option to grant explicit inheritance to dedicated user by using following command GRANT INHERIT PRIVILEGES
grant inherit privileges on user <USER> to <OTHER_USER>;
sqlplus tomasz> grant inherit privileges on user tomasz to sh; select sh.get_me_dba_fnc from dual; GET_ME_DBA_FNC --------------- OK
Another option you can grant more powerful option to a user INHERIT ANY PRIVILEGES so the user is very powerful and inherits privileges from any other user
grant inherit any privileges to <USER>;
sqlplus tomasz> revoke inherit privileges on user tomasz from sh; grant inherit any privileges to sh; select sh.get_me_dba_fnc from dual; GET_ME_DBA_FNC --------------- OK
You need to remember that for backward compatibility any new user <NEW_USER> created in 12C implicit grants
Of course INHERITS PRIVILEGES has got as well impact on views created with clause BEQUEATH CURRENT_USER. Please read about BEQUEATH CURRENT_USER in following article:
View security extension BEQUEATH CURRENT_USER Oracle Database 12C release 1 (12.1)
sqlplus tomasz> create view sh.test_vw bequeath current_user as select get_me_dba_fnc ok from dual; select * from sh.test_vw; GET_ME_DBA_FNC --------------- OK revoke inherit any privileges from sh; select * from sh.test_vw; ORA-06598: insufficient INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege
Have a fun 🙂
Good one. Reading is not sufficient and was looking for example. This is nice.
Good example !
great example !