This article presents how to generate GANTT reports using sql.
A GANTT charts are commonly used in project management or batch processing, as one of the most popular and useful ways of showing activities (tasks or events) displayed against time. On the left of the chart is a list of the activities and along the top is a suitable time scale. Each activity is represented by a bar; the position and length of the bar reflects the start date, duration and end date of the activity. This allows you to see at a glance:
- What the various activities are
- When each activity begins and ends
- How long each activity is scheduled to last
- Where activities overlap with other activities, and by how much
- The start and end date of the whole project
First I need to generate dummy data
CREATE TABLE test_tbl ( job_id NUMBER, job_name VARCHAR2(10), job_data NUMBER, start_date DATE, end_date DATE ); INSERT INTO test_tbl SELECT level, 'job_'||level, level*5, null, null FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 5; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM test_tbl; JOB_ID JOB_NAME JOB_DATA START_DATE END_DATE ------ ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- 1 job_1 5 2 job_2 10 3 job_3 15 4 job_4 20 5 job_5 25
Update dates
UPDATE test_tbl SET start_date = to_date('01-06-1995','dd-mm-yyyy'), end_date = to_date('15-08-2004','dd-mm-yyyy') WHERE job_id IN (2); UPDATE test_tbl SET start_date = to_date('01-09-1999','dd-mm-yyyy'), end_date = to_date('01-03-2009','dd-mm-yyyy') WHERE job_id IN (3); UPDATE test_tbl SET start_date = to_date('01-09-2010','dd-mm-yyyy'), end_date = to_date('01-03-2012','dd-mm-yyyy') WHERE job_id IN (4); UPDATE test_tbl SET start_date = to_date('20-05-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') WHERE job_id IN (5); COMMIT;
and finally create nice GANTT report
ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE=english; WITH periods AS ( SELECT job_name label, CAST(start_date AS DATE) start_date, nvl(CAST(end_date AS DATE), SYSDATE) end_date FROM test_tbl ORDER BY start_date ), limits AS ( SELECT MIN(start_date) per_start, MAX(end_date) per_end, 40 width FROM periods ), bars AS ( SELECT label, lpad(label, '6')||'|' activity, (start_date - per_start)/(per_end - per_start) * width from_pos, (end_date - per_start)/(per_end - per_start) * width to_pos FROM periods, limits ORDER BY label ) SELECT label, activity||lpad('I',from_pos)|| rpad('-', to_pos - from_pos, '-')||'I' gantt FROM bars UNION ALL SELECT 'TOTAL', lpad('|',7) ||to_char(per_start,'DD-MON-YYYY') ||lpad(to_char(per_end,'DD-MON-YYYY'), width - 11) FROM limits / LABEL GANTT ------- -------------------------------------------------- job_1 job_1| I--------I job_2 job_2|-----------------I job_3 job_3| I------------------I job_4 job_4| I--I job_5 job_5| I----------------------------------I TOTAL |01-JUN-1995 30-DEC-2015
of course it would make more sense to add start_date and end_date to each line 🙂
Have a fun 🙂