Install Solaris 11

This article presents how to install Solaris 11 on Oracle virtual box.

Software used. It’s available on OTN:

  • Oracle Solaris 11 64 bit(about 966MB) – sol-11_1-live-x86.iso
  • Oracle virtual box – just install latest release

Create virtual machine with default settings for Solaris 64 bit. 2GB ram and 64G for disk is enough to run Solaris 11 64-bit. Rest of options you can keep default.


1. Run Solaris 11 64-bit installation livecd and select first option. Select keyboard layout and language you want to use.


solaris11_03 solaris11_04

2. It will start Solaris. You can start using Solaris but our purpose is to install Solaris on our virtual machine. So double click on “Install Oracle Solaris” icon on desktop. It will start installation process.


3. Just click “Next” button.


4. Just click “Next” button


5. You can change here partitioning of your disk. I accepted default settings. Click “Next” button to proceed with installation.


6. Select your “Time-zone” and enter date and time for OS. Then click “Next” button.


7. Enter user name and password to login to Solaris. Extra user must be created because Solaris will not allow to use root user to login to your new machine. Next enter computer name of your machine in my case it’s Then click “Next” button.


8. On the screen you can register your email in Oracle support. I unchecked this option. Once you are ready click “Next” button.


9. Just click “Install” button to start OS software installation on hard disk. Please notice that on the beginning root password is set to the same as user created in point 7.


10. Installation process will take about 30 minutes


11. Reboot virtual machine and be happy 🙂 with your new Solaris 11 64-bit

solaris11_14 solaris11_15

12. To login to Solaris you must use user/password from point 7.



13. If you want to use root account you must use su command in terminal. Initially root password is the same as user but during first su you will be asked to change root password.


tomasz@solaris:~$ su - root
su: Password for user 'root' has expired
New Password:

14. Click in virtual box menu “Devices/Install Guest Additions”. It will mount extra software for solaris. Run script to install it. Once it’s done reboot virtual box machine. The software helps to automatically resize windows screen of your virtual machine.


Have a fun 🙂



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