Install Oracle Linux 9 (OEL9)

This article presents how to install Oracle Enterprise Linux 9.

I assume you have already downloaded Oracle Enterprise Linux 9 64 bit(about 4 G) and you know how to use VirtualBox 64 bit(100M). Create virtual machine with default settings for Oracle Linux 64 bit. You can set 8GB for future Oracle database software installation and 64G for disk. Rest of options you can keep default.

1. Boot from dvd or iso file. Select first option “Install Oracle Linux 9” and press “enter” key.

2. Select your language and clink “Continue” button.

3. You should see “INSTALLATION SUMMARY” screen. Here you can change many options for your host:


 4. On “SOFTWARE SELECTION” screen select “Server with GUI” for your “Base Environment”. Then select extra software you want to install by selecting it in “Add-Ons for Selected Environment”.

Feel free to select extra options if you need it I just added “Development Tools”. You can always install extra things later. When you are ready click “Done” button.

5. On “NETWORK & HOST NAME” screen enter Host Name in my case it’s “” click “apply” button then “Done” button. “Configure” button alows to set advanced network options.

6. On “INSTALLATION DESTINATION” screen select your disk to install Oracle. You can change partitioning here. When you are happy click “Done”. 

7. On “TIME & DATE” screen select your Region, City, Network Time synchronization. When you are happy click “Done”.

8. On “ROOT PASSWORD” set password for root user. Click “Done” button when ready.

9. On “CREATE USER” screen enter user name, password and check checkbox “Make this user administrator”. Click “Done” button when you are ready.

10. Just click “Begin installation” button.

11. Installation should start.

12. Login to “Oracle Linux 9″ click on your username in my case “tomasz”. Enter password and click “Sign-in” button.

 13. Once in you should see main screen.

Have a fun 🙂


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